8 Essential Steps Following a Vehicle Accident

At Atkins & Walker Law, we understand that New Mexico’s roads are dangerous. According to the New Mexico Department of Transportation, in 2016 alone, “there were 45,071 traffic crashes on public roadways in New Mexico.” This figure means that every 12 minutes, there was a motor vehicle accident in New Mexico. Given the high rate of motor vehicle accidents in New Mexico, it is important that you know what to do when someone crashes into you. If you are involved in a car accident, call us for a free consultation. Here is a list of steps to consider to help protect yourself and your rights:

Step 1: Check for injuries and move to a safe place near the scene of the accident.

The most important thing is the physical safety of everyone involved in the accident. After a crash occurs, check yourself and others for injuries. Call 911 for an ambulance if anyone needs immediate medical attention.  If necessary and you are able, move to a safe place near the site of the accident and wait for help; however, do not leave the scene of the accident before the police arrive.

Step 2: Call the police and ask that they create a police report.

Creating a police report is important to document exactly what happened, who was involved, what insurance may be available, and who witnessed what happened. When the police arrive, ask the officers to create a police report, provide you with a case number, and provide their names and badge numbers.

 Step 3: Seek medical care and treatment for your injuries.

Your physical safety and health are the most important. If you believe that you need medical attention, whether from the scene of the crash in an ambulance or at any later time, then seek it. Be sure to document exactly where you go for medical care so you can later obtain copies of your medical records and bills, if necessary. Ask all your medical providers to submit any billing to your health insurance company, if you have one.

Step 4: Document and photograph the collision and your injuries if you are able.

A picture is worth a thousand words.  If you are able, take photographs of the scene of the crash, the damage to all the vehicles that were involved, and your injuries.  Also, talk with any witnesses who saw the accident and ask for their contact information.

Step 5: Exchange information with the other driver.

Seek the name, telephone number, address, license plate number, driver’s license number, and insurance information for the driver who hit you. You will need this information to later make a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. Although the police report should contain this information, mistakes happen, and it is always best to keep your own records.

Step 6: Notify your insurance company and obtain a certified copy of your insurance policy.

Inform your insurance company as soon as possible that you were involved in an accident. Answer any questions you are asked truthfully. Ask for a “certified” copy of your insurance policy so you or an attorney can review all the coverage that is potentially available to you in case the driver who hit you is uninsured or underinsured.

Step 7: Call an attorney.

Although an attorney is not always necessary for every car accident, an attorney is an important resource to help you make sure you know your rights, your responsibilities, and the deadlines for you to make a claim. Always be skeptical of any early settlement offers from the other driver’s insurance company before you talk to an attorney, particularly if you are still hurting and seeking medical care for your injuries. Settlement offers always require you to sign a release of liability that prevent you from making any claim for any future damages, including medical expenses. You want to make sure that you do not release your potential claims before you know the full extent of your injuries, the full extent of your recoverable damages, and the coverage you will need to protect you.

Step 8: Take care of yourself.

Above all else, make sure to take care of yourself. Nothing matters if you are not seeking the medical attention and treatment you need to be physically and emotionally healthy. Accidents are extremely stressful events and can have deep emotional impacts. Hiring an attorney can help you minimize these stresses by ensuring that your rights are protected. If you have any concerns about the extent of your rights or your responsibilities, then call Atkins & Walker Law for a free consultation. We can help.


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