What are "Never Events"? How can they impact your loved ones?
As discussed in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ July 31, 2008 memorandum, the National Quality Forum has created a list of hospital-acquired conditions that it considers to be “Never Events.” “Never Events” are errors in medical care that normally do not happen in the absence of negligence and are considered “Serous Reportable Adverse Events.” Among the events included in the National Quality Forum’s “Never Events” list are:
Pressure ulcers (i.e., bed sores);
Falls and other trauma-related injuries;
Surgery performed on the wrong person;
Surgery performed on the wrong body part;
Wrong surgery performed on a patient;
Foreign object unintentionally retained after surgery;
Death resulting from medication error; and
Burn injury.
If you or a loved one has experienced a “Never Event” at a healthcare facility, you may have legal recourse. Call Atkins & Walker Law at (505) 508-4640 for a free consultation.